What is the meaning of ytd in salary slip
What is the meaning of ytd in salary slip

‘Ragged strips of wallpaper hung down the dark, dank corridor as I explored, being careful not to slip on loose floor tiles in one of the rooms.’.‘When I'd slip and lose my footing, he'd momentarily lose sight of me, and a worried expression would cross his face.’.‘Many times I slipped over on the steep icy slopes, losing my footing and crashing down on the rubble.’.‘He slipped, slid and finally fell, rolling back to the bottom of the hill in a heap.’.‘Brown mud sprayed up as he slid and slipped, trying to push himself back onto his feet.’.‘The next day, Joey walked out of his East Village apartment, slipped on some ice and broke his hip.’.‘Alice lost her footing on the terrain and slipped back a foot.’.‘However as she was stepping up onto the tongue of the boat trailer she lost her balance and slipped down onto the hard pavement.’.‘He hovered beside her as she hobbled around the truck to the fire, afraid she would slip or lose her balance.’.‘The snow splattered all over a now very unhappy Twilight who lost her balance and slipped.’.‘There was no light, and since the tunnel slanted sharply, it was hard to keep one's footing without slipping.’.‘What was shaping up to be a fantastic match, though, was cut short when Rooney slipped and fell in the third game.’.‘He tried to get his footing but slipped and fell right into the woman's lap.’.‘The dance was silly, unplanned, and cut short when both simultaneously slipped on patches of wet grass.’.‘When he slipped forward he lost his footing on the rock where he was perched.’.‘She desperately searched for good footing, slipping and sliding as she tried to get back up.’.‘Eight-year-old Luke Vardy narrowly escaped with his life after he slipped and lost his footing as he climbed wrought iron fencing in the front garden of his Rotherham home.’.‘While trying to get my foot balanced on one of the mossy boulders that jutted out of the water, I lost my footing and slipped again.’.

What is the meaning of ytd in salary slip